07 Trivia 07 was a great year for anime We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you The most viewed series from that year on Anime Characters Database is Naruto Shippuden ( 154 views ) Our series view count resets each month as to give you a rolling idea what is currently popular A total of 105 titles were released in 07Ef A Fairy Tale of the Two is a Japanese twopart adult visual novel series by Minori for Windows PCs The first game in the series, Ef The First Tale, was released on , and the second game, Ef The Latter Tale, was released on The opening video for the game was animated by Makoto Shinkai, and a majority of the music was produced by Tenmon, who has30/1/21 麻生 蓮治(あそう れんじ) 声:伊香川椎音 / 高城元気 11月1日生まれのさそり座。血液型B型。身長159cm。体重50kg。瞳の色:青 第三章の主人公。ドイツ人の建築家を父親に持つハーフ。ミズキより1つ上の従兄でもある。 Ef A Fairy Tale Of The Two 麻生蓮治 新藤千尋 七尾奈留 壁紙 Tsundora Com 麻生蓮治 セリフ